Saturday, January 24, 2015

Curcumin shows Results in Rebuilding & Protecting Brain Cells after Stroke

The benefits of curcumin just never seem to end. This amazing plant compound (the active ingredient in turmeric) offers a wide array of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits as well as stifling growth of abnormal cells. Curcumin has been shown to be safe when consumed in high amounts (like 12 grams) per day, however benefit is seen in just 100 mgs daily. Curcumin has been shown to improve:
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes & Depression
  • Arthritis & Inflammation
  • Several forms of Cancer
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Crohns and other Digestive Problems
A new curcumin hybrid compound called CBN-001 has demonstrated it could protect and restore brain cells after stroke in laboratory models. In tests, CBN-001 administered up to one hour after stroke effectively reduced motor control movement problems. This hybrid compound protected and nourished neurons (brain cells) while repairing stroke damage on a molecular level.
Currently the standard “clot-busting” drug used for ischemic strokes is a “tissue plasminogen activator” (tPA) which is injected into the bloodstream to dissolve clots. Eighty seven percent of all strokes are ischemic where a blood vessel in the brain is blocked. Restoring blood supply and oxygen to neurons as quickly as possible is critical to reduce the possible damage to speech, memory, movement and other neurological functions.
Research scientist Paul A. Lapchak, Ph.D., director of Translational Research in the Department of Neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, remarked that CNB-001 has many of the same benefits of curcumin but appears to be a better choice of compound for acute stroke because it crosses the blood-brain barrier, is quickly distributed in the brain, and moderates several critical mechanisms involved in neuronal survival.”
The “blood-brain barrier” inhibits many types of drugs and nutritional compounds. Curcumin is notoriously difficult for the body to utilize due to it’s low bioavailability, so supplementing with an enhanced type of natural curcumin is important. CNB-001 is anticipated to move into human clinical trials soon as possible alternative to tPA for stroke.
If you’re interested in curcumin as a preventative or possibly for restorative health, there is a natural and patented form which crosses the blood-brain barrier that has been clinically proven to be 6-7 times more bioavailable than standard curcumin supplements. This patented form of curcumin is called BCM-95®.
Curcumin Extreme™ contains 400 mg of BCM-95® along with Broccoli Seed Extract and Selenium which aid with the all important production of glutathione and immune system function.
A typical Indian diet consistently provides approximately 60-100 mg of curcumin from turmeric on a daily basis. Studies have shown that regular use of up to 500mg of curcumin inhibited cancerous cell activity. Because curcumin is difficult to absorb, supplementing with a highly bioavailable form is key. Curcumin Extreme™ meets the demands for high absorption and excellent value.
Another powerful supplement which supports cardiovascular and stoke preventive health is Isotonix OPC-3®. Isotonix OPC-3® contains the only  isotonic-capable Pycnogenol® on the market. Pycnogenol® has been shown to normalize blood platelet activity, which improves blood platelet mobility thus reducing the likelihood of clotting.

Which is better: Isotonic or tablet OPC-3?

Millions of people enjoy the benefits of drinking a proprietary isotonic antioxidant called Isotonix OPC-3®. A tablet form of OPC-3® is not commercially available. However, for the purpose of testing, European researchers created a tablet version of OPC-3® to compare its assimilation (consumed with the equivalent amount of water) to the isotonic version. Phytotherapy Research e-published the compelling study results.
Both formulations of OPC-3® delivered antioxidant benefits by markedly reducing oxygen free radicals in blood plasma. However, the drinkable isotonic version of Isotonix OPC-3® measured 6 times higher than the tablet version within 10 minutes of consumption. After 20 minutes the isotonic formulation was approximately 4 times more bioavailable than the tablet. In fact, throughout the 4 hour investigation the isotonic formulation displayed a consistently superior level of performance.
As the chart indicates there was a much higher nutrient absorption and delivery in the drinkable isotonic formulation known as Isotonix OPC-3®.
Another clinical study found Isotonix OPC-3® dramatically reduced major cardiovascular risk factors in 61 individuals with metabolic syndrome over two months. Improvement occurred in blood pressure, total cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose. Supplementation with Isotonix OPC-3® resulted in a 52.1% drop in C-reactive proteins. C-reactive proteins are inflammation markers which predict cardiovascular risk. Comparatively, testing has shown that statin drugs produce 13-14% reductions in C-reactive proteins and often carry troubling side effects.

Frequently asked questions about Isotonix products

Isotonix® products are provided exclusively through SHOP.COM  (powered by Market America) and have obtained a loyal following due to their effectiveness, ease of use, and science-based formulations.
Here are some frequently-asked questions about the Isotonix® brand of nutritional supplements:
Are these supplements regulated by the FDA?
Yes, in that all nutritional supplement ingredients are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as foods rather than as drugs (similar to how they monitor meat and dairy products). The FDA only allow ingredients to be used in the U.S. that have been deemed safe and require that dietary supplements have accurate labeling.The FDA does not focus on individual products, they focus on the amount and type of ingredients used. If questions or problems arise, the FDA can have a manufacturer substantiate label claims and, if found unsafe, have specific ingredients banned. The FDA also determines good manufacturing practices (GMPs).
Where are the product ingredients sourced from?
Isotonix® carefully selects the highest quality raw ingredients available. Quality control procedures extend from each individual ingredient to the final completed product. Ingredients are randomly tested by independent labs for isotonic capability, micro contamination, and potency in accordance with GMP manufacturing regulations.
How are Isotonix® supplements manufactured?
All of the nutritional supplements that Market America provides, including the Isotonix® brand, are manufactured in GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified facilities. These facilities must meet stringent levels of compliance and are verified by third-party GMP watchdogs including NNFA, Shuster Labs, NSF International, and USP. Isotonix® products have verifiable standardization and uniformity in every batch of product they produce.
Are fillers used?
No. There are no preservatives, fillers, binders, excipients, artificial colors or artificial flavors used.
Are the natural ingredients used screened for pesticides?
Yes. All ingredients extracted from natural sources (like pine bark, citrus, bilberry, grape seed, etc.) are tested with gas chromatography for pesticide residue.
How much “sugar” is in them?
Isotonix® products are sweetened with natural fructose. Fructose does not produce the extreme “highs” and “lows”  in blood sugar levels like ordinary table sugar can. In both calories and natural sugar content, a serving of an Isotonix® drinkable supplement is equivalent to a single bite of an apple or half a teaspoon of honey.
Why is “sugar” used at all?
Nutritive sugars, like fructose, provide multiple benefits including the following:
  • create an isotonic solution by exerting osmotic pressure
  • actively transports select nutrients across intestinal enterocyte membranes
  • improves blending uniformity of ingredients
  • improves flavor by covering off-tasting nutrients like zinc, copper, and B vitamins
Do Isotonix® products contain lactose, soy or gluten?
No. Isotonix® are free of milk, casein, gluten, soy, wheat, yeast, artificial flavors, starch, salt, preservatives, and dyes.
What about maltodextrin?
Maltodextrin is a sweet, easily digestible carbohydrate usually made from rice or corn. Because of its rapid breakdown, maltodextrin typically has a high glycemic index. A minimal amount of maltodextrin is used in Isotonix® products as a particle-coating agent to prevent the ingredients from clumping. Per serving, the maltodextrin dusting generates a caloric value of approximately 0.2 calories.
Are Isotonix® products hypoallergenic:
The exclusion of dyes, fillers, binders and extenders was carefully planned in the formulation of Isotonix® products, therefore no reports of allergic reactions are expected.
What advantage do Isotonix® products offer?
Isotonix® do not have to be digested to be absorbed. When taken as directed on an empty stomach they immediately begin passing into the small intestine where absorption takes place. According to the Physician’s Desk Reference, vitamins and minerals in a pill form are only 10-20% absorbed by the body during the digestion process which can take several hours. Isotonix® supplements are formulated based on the best clinical studies available providing up to 95% absorption in minutes. Additionally Isotonix® only uses the highest quality scientifically validated ingredients manufactured in pharmaceutical grade facilities.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Solution for your nutrition supply - Isotonix

What's the key point to nutrition?

Absorption. No matter how good the nutrition is. If can't be absorbed by our body. It will be useless.

isotonix is a solution --

What does isotonic mean?
Broken down to its roots, iso means ‘the same’ and tonic means ‘pressure or tone.’ When used to describe solutions that are meant for consumption, isotonic means having the same fluid pressure as body fluids. Tears, blood plasma, lymph and other body fluids are all isotonic. When we ingest food, gastric (stomach) juice is secreted onto the food, and muscular contractions of the stomach mix the contents until a reasonably uniform solution is achieved. The solutions of food (chyme) that enter the small intestine for absorption are made isotonic by the action of the stomach in a time-consuming process. The fluid pressure of food or isotonic solutions across semipermeable membranes, such as the walls of the small intestine, is generally referred to as having a particular osmolality or tonicity. Osmolality is measured in units referred to as milliosmoles/kilogram of water (mOsm/kg). It can be said that when solutions on opposite sides of a membrane have the same osmolality, they are iso-osmotic or isotonic. Normal human blood serum (the fluid portion without cells and platelets) has an osmolality of 288 mOsm/kg, as do most other fluids in the body. Therefore, in physiological terms, when a solution’s osmolality is the same, or nearly the same, as that of normal human blood serum, it is referred to as isotonic.
Concentration and absorption
Concentration and absorption are factors that go hand in hand for the proper use of nutritional supplements. Concentration – the amount of nutrient dissolved in a given amount of a solvent such as water or stomach fluid – is usually directly related to the efficiency of nutrient absorption. This is especially true in the process of passive diffusion. Passive diffusion works when the concentration of nutrients in the lumen of the small intestine is higher than the concentration inside the intestinal cells.
The nutrients “flow”down from the gradient from high to low concentration. Since Isotonix products experience little dilution in the gastrointestinal tract, they arrive at the absorption sites in high concentration and ensure efficient absorption.
Because of their physiological character, Isotonix solutions undergo very little dilution in the body before they reach the absorption sites. They are the ideal vehicle for rapid nutrient utilization. Isotonix are the world’s most advanced nutraceuticals.
Why is gastric (stomach) emptying time so important?
The longer a supplement stays in the stomach, the longer the time before absorption can begin, because no appreciable absorption occurs from the stomach. Often the rate-limiting step in the absorption process is the time it takes for the tablet or capsule to disintegrate, and the nutrients to dissolve and equilibrate to the proper (isotonic) state to leave the stomach. When all this has been completed — up to 40 minutes after ingestion — the diluted, acid-attacked nutrients can enter the small intestine for absorption.
Why is gastric emptying time stressed when talking about Isotonix?
Nutrients that are already isotonic do not need to be broken down into an isotonic state. Therefore, gastric emptying occurs more rapidly. Biological sensors in the gastrointestinal tract detect that the ingested solution is isotonic and at a correct pH. This causes the pyloric valve at the lower end of the stomach to remain open, allowing the concentrated solution to be squirted into the small intestine by stomach contractions. Absorption of the nutrients by the intestinal mucosa then starts to occur.